When it comes to skin care products most of us would like to use ingredients that are as natural as possible that are also beneficial for our skin. In order to know what it that you are getting in your natural skin care products, you need to educate yourself about what certain ingredients mean. Since most of us are not chemists, it might be difficult for us to know what some of those long and complicated names mean… Continue reading
New Research in Natural Skin Care Products
Best Chemical-Free Natural Skin Care Products
When taking care of your skin, you only want to use best natural skin care products. Unfortunately, it can be pretty difficult and confusing to choose the right products from the huge selection found at any store. Most health food stores carry some natural skin care products, but even there you need to know the ingredients to make a right choice. There are some companies that use the name “natural” even though they include some toxic ingredients in their products… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Acne Free Life
Acne has become a very common skin problem that affects many people of different ages, not just teenagers. It is a modern disease and it has been confirmed that it’s closely related to the modern Western diet, high in processed foods, sugar and grains.… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Cellulite
Cellulite can be a very annoying and embarrassing skin condition. Every woman wishes for a smooth, cellulite free skin, but it seems hard to accomplish. Dr. Lark has discovered a natural skin care solution that can help smooth out the bumps of cellulite. Keep reading to learn what to do… Continue reading
Best Natural Skin Care Tips for Acne Sufferers
Acne is a skin problem that many people experience, no matter what their age, sex or race. Most of us hope for a miracle cure, a magic bullet that will solve this problem instantly. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work this way. Acne or any other skin problem is just a symptom of an underlying issue that could mean trouble if not addressed… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for the Beach Fun
Vitamin D deficiency has become one of the biggest health problems in US. Vitamin D prevents osteoporosis, supports immune system and even prevents every type of cancer. With all the medical hype about protecting our skin from the sun exposure for the last 30 years, osteoporosis and cancer are on the rise and most people get a cold or a flu every year (some get both and more than once a year)… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Using Sunscreens
In spite of the common misconception about the dangers of natural sunrays, there is even more confusion about the use of sunscreen products. For the last 30 years the official have been warning us about the risks related to sun exposure and the need to use sunscreen on regular basis. In spite of increasing use of sunscreen products, skin cancer is on the rise. For many years now we’ve been seeing warnings about vitamin D deficiency and the related risks of cancer and decreased immunity… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Using Baking Soda
Baking soda is a very versatile product with many uses around the house. You might already be familiar with its typical household functions, but not many people know about its role as a natural skin care product to treat different skin problems. Here are some natural skin care tips for using baking soda in your daily beauty regimen… Continue reading