Honey has been known and used for ages in many culinary recipes, but did you know that there are many natural skin care tips using honey? Here are several recipes for your skin that use honey as one of the ingredients. Not many people know that honey can also be used on cuts and scrapes as it helps to heal wounds… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips Using Honey
Green Tea as Natural Skin Care Product
By now you must have heard of the green tea benefits for your health, but did you know that it’s also great as natural skin care product? Green tea is full of antioxidants that work against free radicals in your blood. Free radicals can not only lead to cancer and also cause heart problems. Several studies have proven that green tea can help prevent cardiovascular disease, boost immune system and also improve the appearance of your skin by slowing down the aging process… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Age Spots
Are you looking for natural skin care tips for age spots? We don’t talk about age spots much, but it can be a really embarassing skin problem for some women. It’s actually a very controversial issue since most info you find on the web suggests using sunscreen as the only way of preventing age spots. I disagree since most sunscreens contain many chemicals that can lead to health problems including skin cancer. … Continue reading
Age Old Natural Skin Care Tips for Acne
As a teenager, I used to suffer from acne and always tried to hide it under my hair. It did not help, but experiencing this skin problem made me very compationate for others that suffer from it. I always enjoy searching the web for different natural skin care tips for acne problems. Here is a new list of natural home remedies that will help improve your acne… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Cures for Acne
Acne can affect just about anybody, at any age. When that happens, we all want a quick fix, something that will cure the problem immediately. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. When the body becomes overloaded with toxins, kidneys and liver become overworked and some of the toxins are being excreated through the skin. And that’s when this skin problem starts… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Aging Skin
Tired looking, aging skin can be a concern even for women in their 30’s. In our fast paced life, we are always under stress and pressure and often don’t get enough sleep. We eat on the run and don’t give our body the nutrients it needs. As part of natural skin care tips for aging skin, there is one nutrient that’s recommended not only for the heart, but also for the skin which is CoQ10… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Using Self Massage
There are many health benefits to using massage therapy. It is best to find a licenced massage therapist since then you’ll enjoy the therapy most, but you can also use self massage at home. It will not only help you relax and relieve stress, but it also stimulates blood circulation which in turn will improve your skin and eliminate some skin problems… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Psoriasis
Psoriasis might only be considered a skin disease, but it also affects someone’s life and their self esteem. Medical establishment offers many creams and lotions, but they are only designed to help manage the symptoms. When you think about it, pharmaceutical companies have no interest in creating cures for any disease. When they develop treatments to manage symptoms, they have customers for life. Unfortunately, all those creams come with many side effects… Continue reading