With all the toxins and chemicals in our environment, most people are realizing the importance of using natural skin care tips and recipes instead of harsh and harmful skin care products available on the market nowdays. We are getting more and more concientious about the food we eat, making sure that we supply our body with all the necessary nutrients through organic fresh fruits and vegetables. Heatlhy body supports healthy skin, so it becomes even more important to start with a healthy diet, sleep and exercising… Continue reading
Safe and Healthy Natural Skin Care Tips
Natural Skin Care Tips Using Beer, Yogurt and Dough
Every woman tries to take care of herself and her skin, but some brand name cosmetics can cost a fortune. Another problem is that most of them contain many chemicals that you wouldn’t want to put on your skin. Even products labeled as natural can also contain harsh ingredients.
That’s when the natural skin care tips come in handy. You can make your own products right at home at a fraction of the cost… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips to Take 10 Years off Your Face
Our bodies need many nutrients in order to stay healthy and look young, like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. We need to eat a healthy, balanced diet that includes a variety of whole foods if we want to feel good and have a beautiful skin. Unfortunately those nutrients will not be absorbed into the system if the digestion is weak and not working properly… Continue reading
Best Natural Skin Care Tips for Reducing Facial Hair
Facial hair can be very embarrassing and upsetting. If you are following a healthy diet and an active, stress free lifestyle you can keep your hormones balanced and prevent many side effects of menopause. But if you are just jumping on the bandwagon and getting started, you might already experience different side effects… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips: Aloe for far more than just burns
Aloe vera is a medicinal plant that has been used for centuries. You might be aware of its benefits for sunburns, but there are many other documented uses of aloe vera gel. It contains at least seven antioxidant compounds that can be anti-inflammatory and promote healing… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips – Health Benefits of Coconut Oil
Health benefits of coconut oil have been a very popular subject recently, but there is still a lot of misconception. For decades we’ve been told that saturated fat is bad for us and that eating high complex carbohydrates, low fat diet is the way to health and weight management. Even though a lot of people still believe that, there is mounting evidence that this is simply not true. Following high sugar and grains, low fat diet, has led to major obesity problems in this country. There are many health benefits to consuming coconut oil, but it can also be used as part of natural skin care.… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips – Selenium For Skin Problems
There are a lot of different skin problems that are related to our diet and our health in general. Our skin, being the largest organ, reflects the body’s level of health. Here are more natural skin care tips that can help with some skin problems.
We all know that our body’s health is dependent on the nutrients that are provided by the food we eat. If our diet lacks some essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, enzymes or antioxidants, our body cannot function properly and we develop all kinds of diseases… Continue reading
Natural Skin Care Tips for Youthful Looks
In the 21st century we live in the age when youth and youthful looks are very important. Everybody is trying to look younger than their age, sometimes at the expense of their health. Here are some natural skin care tips for youthful looks that create a younger appearance. Your clothes and the accessories are very important in making you look younger, but make sure that you don’t overdo it. You need to pick clothes that flatter your figure and your style and not make you look ridiculous… Continue reading