Are you looking for natural skin care tips for age spots? We don’t talk about age spots much, but it can be a really embarassing skin problem for some women. It’s actually a very controversial issue since most info you find on the web suggests using sunscreen as the only way of preventing age spots. I disagree since most sunscreens contain many chemicals that can lead to health problems including skin cancer. … Continue reading
Age SpotsCategory Archives
Natural Skin Care Tips for Age Spots
7 Tips For Natural Skin Care
Looking young and beautiful doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive if you try natural skin care tips. There are many home made remedies that can be used, instead of commercial products, that are natural and inexpensive. For centuries women of all ages depended on these natural remedies to take care of their skin without any side effects. You’ll love the way your skin feels and you’ll feel good about using ingredients that are non-harmful to your body… Continue reading
A Hidden Cause of Age Spots
This hidden cause of age spots is totally overlooked. It is very important to pay attention to what you put on your skin since about 60% of that gets absorbed directly into the blood stream. This also bypasses our protective filtration system which is the stomach and the digestive track. Read on to find out what the hidden cause of age spots is.
A Hidden Cause of Age Spots. 29 Apr. A few months ago I started noticing that many of my clients had pigmentation and blotchy patches on their necks. …
What are the Home Remedies for Age Spots
Exposure to sun rays can have many beneficial effects, like stimulating Vitamin D production, strengthening our immune system and improving our mood. But as the saying goes, too much of anything is not good either. Spending a whole day on the beach can cause a sun burn and eventually age spots and wrinkles. It’s best to limit your sun exposure, especially during the early afternoon hours, or wear a hat to protect your face. If you choose to use sunscreen, make sure that you only use the one containing zinc oxide and apply when absolutely necessary.
If you already have age spots, here are some natural, homemade remedies that will help reduce or eliminate them.
Age spots, also known as sun spots or liver spots are a normal part of aging. These can be removed with the help of home remedies like hydrogen peroxide, …
General Skin Problems & Treatment
No matter what skin problem you have there is always a natural, alternative solution for it. Age spots, blackheads, whiteheads, even poison ivy can be treated without toxic chemicals. Read on to find out what works.
General Skin Problems & Treatment… Skin Problem : Freckles Age SpotsFreckles are tiny black spots spread all over.
I love bananas, but now I can even use it for my skin to sooth poison ivy. I’m impressed…
This Really Gives Away Your Age…
Having beautiful, smooth and youthful looking hands doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You also don’t have to put harsh chemicals to eliminate skin discoloration, known as age spots. Try some safe and natural remedies to make your hands look younger.
If you had to guess what part of your body shows your age the most, what would you say? Your eyes? Your forehead? Hair color? Lips? The answer is none of the above. Believe it or not, it’s your hands that give it all away. Youthful hands are taut, smooth and free of brown discolorations known as “age spots” or “liver spots.” These discolorations are caused by UV (ultraviolet) light from the sun. The light stimulates the production of melanin in your body; the same thing that allows your skin to tan. But in this case, the melanin pools in certain areas … like your hands. And this is what causes these unsightly age spots. And while they’re harmless, they can be embarrassing and annoying. But there are ways to get rid of these little spots for more youthful looking hands.
10 Natural Skin Care Remedies
Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, problems with acne, scars or age spots, you will find a remedy for your skin type here. I like using honey on my chapped lips, it works great. The only problem is trying not to lick it 🙂 ᅠPut it on at night, before going to bed and by the morning your lips will feel much better.
Skincare products are often expensive and often contain harsh chemicals that may make your skin even worse. Here are a few natural tips to clearer skin that …
Taking care of your skin can be fun and inexpensive.
Sunscreen Dangerous? Experts Shed Light on the Controversy
Commercial sunscreens have been recently more and more scrutinized as people question the long list of chemical ingredients and their safety. There are some natural alternatives containing zinc oxide, but they might be a little more cumbersome to apply. Learn more about which ingredients can cause an allergic reactions and which ones to avoid all together.
“These products (chemical ingredients) also protect against the long-term problems associated with sun exposure, including wrinkling, brown spots, yellowing and thickening of the skin, precancers and skin cancers. The weight of the evidence strongly …
Remember to read the label before buying any sunscreen. Of course, you could also get some sun in moderation during morning and evening hours. Stay in the shade or wear a hat if you have to be outside for a prolonged period of time during the hottest hours of the day. The natural vitamin D will protect you from any cancer and will also strenghten your immune system, naturally.