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Lifting the Curse of “Slick” Skin

People with oily skin may not feel particularly lucky or blessed. There are a few things that they need to know about oily skin and to understand the common misconceptions. Most important thing to do is to learn how to take care of it. Read on to find out a few tricks recommended by Elina Grosmane, Licensed Esthetician.

If you have oily skin, you probably think it’s a curse. Most people with this skin type have tried hundreds of different skin-care products – from harsh toners to stripping cleansers – to help get rid of their “slick” problem. But there’s something you should know about oily skin. It’s not a curse at all… Oily skin is a blessing. And if you’re one of the lucky ones with oily skin, there’s a good chance you’ll age more slowly than any other type of skin out there…. if you take care of it the right way. You see, oily skin is characterized by larger pores and a higher sebum (oil) production by the sebaceous (oil) glands. And pores often get clogged and are more prone to comedones (blemishes and blackheads).

With a little bit of work and perseverance you can have a beautiful, smooth and healthy skin.

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This Really Gives Away Your Age…

Having beautiful, smooth and youthful looking hands doesn’t have to cost a fortune. You also don’t have to put harsh chemicals to eliminate skin discoloration, known as age spots. Try some safe and natural remedies to make your hands look younger.

If you had to guess what part of your body shows your age the most, what would you say? Your eyes? Your forehead? Hair color? Lips? The answer is none of the above. Believe it or not, it’s your hands that give it all away. Youthful hands are taut, smooth and free of brown discolorations known as “age spots” or “liver spots.” These discolorations are caused by UV (ultraviolet) light from the sun. The light stimulates the production of melanin in your body; the same thing that allows your skin to tan. But in this case, the melanin pools in certain areas … like your hands. And this is what causes these unsightly age spots. And while they’re harmless, they can be embarrassing and annoying. But there are ways to get rid of these little spots for more youthful looking hands.

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Cracked Lips Home Remedies

Chapped lips can be very painfull and annoying. There several natural remedies to heal and prevent lip problems. Choose the one that suits your skin the most and stick with it. You need to be consistent if you want to see good results.

Read through these beauty solutions and stick to the ones that suit your daily skin care routine and pocket. Indeed it is a fact that natural remedies are less expensive and basic ingredients can be found in almost every household.

My favorite remedy for chapped lips is honey, but to prevent a problem from occuring I like to use cocoa butter.

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Natural Remedies for Lips Problems

Problems with your lips can be due to smoking and other external factors, but also can be caused by excessive use of lipstick. The skin can become super dry and even discolored. There are some natural alternatives to keep your lips healthy and beautiful.

In order to restore the flawless condition of this spot it is highly recommended to take full advantage of the magical effect of these natural remedies to lighten dark lips. If you’re up for a great change in your skin care routine and with it

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10 Natural Skin Care Remedies

Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, problems with acne, scars or age spots, you will find a remedy for your skin type here. I like using honey on my chapped lips, it works great. The only problem is trying not to lick it 🙂 ᅠPut it on at night, before going to bed and by the morning your lips will feel much better.

Skincare products are often expensive and often contain harsh chemicals that may make your skin even worse. Here are a few natural tips to clearer skin that

Taking care of your skin can be fun and inexpensive.

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Low Vitamin D Associated with Vascular Problems

There are studies that prove association between vitamin D deficiency and your cardiovascular health. Read on to find out the risks involved in vitamin D deficiency.

Of the 554 overall healthy participants in the study, 14 percent were deficient in 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the form that reflects diet and the skin’s production, having less than 20 nanograms per milliliter. Researchers measured the blood vessels’ ability

So get out in the sun for at least 20 minutes a day and enjoy not only a beautiful skin, but also lower blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

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Sunscreen Dangerous? Experts Shed Light on the Controversy

Commercial sunscreens have been recently more and more scrutinized as people question the long list of chemical ingredients and their safety. There are some natural alternatives containing zinc oxide, but they might be a little more cumbersome to apply. Learn more about which ingredients can cause an allergic reactions and which ones to avoid all together.

“These products (chemical ingredients) also protect against the long-term problems associated with sun exposure, including wrinkling, brown spots, yellowing and thickening of the skin, precancers and skin cancers. The weight of the evidence strongly

Remember to read the label before buying any sunscreen. Of course, you could also get some sun in moderation during morning and evening hours. Stay in the shade or wear a hat if you have to be outside for a prolonged period of time during the hottest hours of the day. The natural vitamin D will protect you from any cancer and will also strenghten your immune system, naturally.

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10 Ways to Look Younger in an Instant!

There are different ways to make yourself look younger and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. Elle Swan, the author of “Your Mind Over Habits” makes a few great suggestions to start looking youger by making a few tweaks to what you put on your body.

If you want to turn back the hands of time and instantly look years younger, I’m living proof that it is possible. By using creativity and nature wisely, I look younger at 41, than I did when I was 25! Many don’t realize it, but there’s more to looking younger than accumulating anti-aging lotions and potions or undergoing cosmetic procedures. The secret lies in the way you present yourself to the outside world. I’m talking about your appearance.

Now I know why my dad always told me to shine my shoes before going out ;-).

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