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Sunscreen Exposed

This is a very controvertial subject, since there are so many false claims and advertisements. One thing all experts agree on is that we all need vitamin D to have healthy bones and teeth, strong immune system and kidney functions. Vitamin D also supports cardiovascular health and a normal blood pressure. It can also prevent cancer. Moderate sun exposure is the best way to stimulate vitamin D production in our body. Read on to find out about the FDA’s 10 year old study.

Researchers at the Environmental Working Group, a Washington-based nonprofit, released their annual report claiming nearly half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin

Make sure that you continue reading to find out Dr. Mercola’s response to many questions related to sun exposure.

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Spring Cleaning Could Cause Skin Problems

With spring finally here, everybody is cleaning to eliminate dirt, germs and odors. That’s usually associated with household cleaninig products that are full of toxic chemicals. They can cause many skin problems, including irritation or rash. Children can be most affected by these. Keep reading to find out about alternative choices.

Accidental exposure to cleaning chemicals can also trigger eye or skin irritation, rashes, headaches, allergies, respiratory problems (like asthma), and in some cases, cancer. Children and pets are particularly susceptible to adverse reactions from

There are many eco-friendly cleaning products now available on the market and you can also make your own. So don’t take any chances and prevent any possible skin problems.

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Psoriasis Triggers

Even though researchers haven’t been able prove it scientifically, there is a definite link between diet and psoriasis flare ups. If you’re the kind of person that likes to take your health into your own hands, then you can definitely figure out which foods trigger you psoriasis and avoid them. Studies have found an association between gluten, dairy, alcohol, red meat, smoking and severity of psoriasis symptoms.ᅠ

We’ll talk to a dermatologist who has studied the effects diet can have on this chronic skin disease. Psoriasis is a chronic condition that mainly affects the skin. Normally, skin cells mature and shed within a cycle of 28 to 30 days.

Elimination diet is your best bet, if you’re trying to figure out what triggers your psoriasis.

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5 Natural Hair Loss Remedies That You Can Try at Home

Loosing your hair can be devastating no matter what your age or gender. Supplying your body with all necessary vitamins and minerals is essential to preventing hair loss. Vitamin B6 (Biotin) is especially important to healthy hair growth. Keep reading to learn other natural hair loss remedies.

Regardless of your gender, hair loss can still leave you feeling insecure about yourself when you are out in public. Are there hair loss remedies that don’t

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Reduce Wrinkles Around Mouth With Home Remedies

Wrinkles are usually just an estetic problem even though they can be very depressing if you are concerned about your youthfull appearance. When you start getting them around your mouth, where they can also cause cracks and lead to chapped lips, it’s time for some serious intervention. Read on to learn the best natural methods to treat those type of skin problems.

You can decrease wrinkles around mouth and lip wrinkles with skin care and anti aging natural remedies.

Remember to include healthy essential fatty acids in your diet, like raw nuts and seeds, to take care of wrinkle problems from the inside out.

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Baby Eczema Triggers and Nutrition

The best way to provide your baby the nutrtion it needs in the first 6 months of life, is through breast feeding. You need to keep in mind that during the period of nursing, mother’s healthy diet is the best assurance of baby’s health. In order to prevent eczema you need to include foods rich in essential fatty acids like raw nuts and seeds, vegetarian, free range eggs and wild caught fish (or fish oil supplement to eliminate mercury contamination). Also adding a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables will ensure a healthy breast milk for your baby. Eliminating common food allergens like dairy and gluten from your diet, will also help prevent eczema problems in your baby.

One of the most common skin rashes in babies is eczema, or otherwise known as atopic dermatitis. According to The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), eczema occurs in around 1 in 5 infants starting in the first 6 months of

Also remember that moderate sun exposure will help heal many skin problems, including eczema, and will ensure an adequate vitamin D level for your baby’s health.

Essential Baby

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Your Skin Problems Begin In Your Gut

It all starts in your gut. The health of your intestines and the normal flora is an indication of your overall body’s health. The millions of microorganisms in your digestive track are responsible forᅠkeeping you from getting infections, help you digest your food and turn it into vitamins. They are also ready to activate your immune system and protect you from deadly bacteria, like E. Coli, Salmonella and Strep. So if your gut is not healthy, you will experience all kinds of health issues including skin problems, like acne, eczema, psoriasis. Read on to find out what Dr. Sears recommends to improve your gut health.

Think about the ways we use the word gut… We use our “gut” to describe a lot of the things we feel. You need to have guts to try something new… you can bust a gut laughing… your gut tells you when something is right. We are learning that there may be more reason to use the word in these ways than we knew. For example, a brand new study finds that your “gut” may control your organs. What happens in your gut appears to activate your liver, and benefit your kidneys, colon, digestive tract, blood plasma, metabolism and reproductive system.

On the top of a health promoting diet, probiotics are your best bet to keep your gut healthy and eliminate any skin problems that you might have.

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Natural Remedies for Eye Wrinkles

Wrinkles can be an annoying part of getting older. As we are trying to preserve our youth, we need to address the causes of wrinkles first. An unhealthy diet, full of sugar and processed foods can be a leading cause of free radicals that promote skin problems. On the other hand a deficiency of certain nutrients can cause the loss of collagen and the skin elasticity. There are several natural remedies for wrinles that can be quite effective if used regularly. ᅠ

Growing older can change our beauty looks forever. Aging is an ordinary part of life and beauty of the body begins to fade away. However, some actions can

Taking care of your body, will not only prevent wrinkles, but will also promote good health.

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