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Aloe Vera – A Natural Treatment For Psoriasis

Aloe Vera has many uses especially for the skin problems. Since it’s a natural product that can’t be patented, there wasn’t much interest in performing a clinical trial to prove it’s effectiveness. That is until recently when a group of hospitals decided toᅠcarry out a trial on the effects of treating psoriasis with an aloe vera cream. Read on to find out the results of that trial.

Another in my series of articles about the medicinal use of aloe vera to treat various illnesses and conditions. This article look the successful treatment

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Natural Eye Wrinkles Treatment Methods

For those of us that prefer not to use commercial skin care products, here is a list of natural remedies that will improve your skin and prevent wrinkles. It’s never too late to start looking better and younger. Give those natural remedies a try and see for yourself.

A concoction made of lemon and beaten raw egg, cucumber slices, tomato facemask etc are the most commonly followed natural anti-wrinkle treatments these

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Best Vitamins in Skin Care Products

Certain vitamins can have a very beneficial effect on our skin and many cosmetic manufacturers try to add them to their products. The problem is that some of the vitamins are unstable when exposed to air. Find out what to look for and how to store cosmetics to get the most benefit from them.

Both conventional skin care products and those focused on natural, organic ingredients seem to harness the amazing power of vitamins and antioxidants in order to deliver the expected results. However, although effective ingredients in skin care

This article also brings on a very good point about retinol (vitamin A) and photosensitivity. Products containing retinol should never be used outside in the sun as they can cause skin cancer. Especially pay close attention to the ingredients in your sunscreen (if you use any). Many of them contain retinol as the use of this ingredient is not regulated by FDA.

Also read our post on this website Sunscreen Exposed for more info.

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Natural Skin Care Strategies For Beautiful Skin

Taking care of your skin should be a very important part of your daily routine, but it can be quite challenging. When you look at the list of ingredients on any cosmetics it’s easy to get confused and hard to know what to choose. Here are a few suggestions of what to look for when you are buying skin care products. Of course you can always make your own and avoid all the unnecessary chemicals that can be found in commercial products.

Natural Skin Care Strategies For Beautiful Skin The skin is the largest organ in the human body and like the rest of your organs, it must be well taken care

Getting some fresh air, sunshine and exercise can also be very beneficial for your skin.

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Natural Hair : No More Dirty Looks

After a long winter, dry indoor air and wearing hats, your hair might have lost its shine. There are many natural hair remedies that will improve your dry hair. Read on to learn what to do to get the healthy shine back.ᅠ

Oil-rich body lotions or body oils contain a lot of the same ingredients as natural hair treatments, so if your lotion pour was on the generous side,

Using organic coconut oil and/or avocado on your hair will give you great effects too.

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Wart Removal Home Remedies

Warts can be not only embarrassing, but also painful especially if you get them on the soles on your feet. They are also really hard to get rid of so be patient and persistent. It can take 2-3 weeks to get rid of them using natural remedies. Keep in mind that the skin on your hands is more sensitive then on the soles of your feet. Use tea tree oil or raw potato on your fingers, but you can use something stronger like 35% hydrogen peroxide on your feet.

There are many natural wart removal home remedies that can expedite the process of disappearance. But some warts may need surgical removal.

Remember that warts are caused by a virus and therefore can be contagious. Don’t try to scratch them as they will spread easily.ᅠ

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The healing power of yoga

We all know that exercise is good for us, but most of us may not know the connection between exercise and psoriasis. There is a special kind of exercise that will make you sweat profusely. That action will stimulate circulation and also help the body detoxify. Read on to learn more about “hot yoga” and it’s benefits.ᅠ

I’m not, of course, questioning their sincerity or natural human instinct of columns for the Times weeklies about my lifelong struggle with psoriasis.

Any exercise, but especially interval training will improve your health and the appearance of your skin.

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Why eczema can be a pain for all the family

Approximately 60% of children develop atopic eczema in the first year of life. Most of them outgrow it by the time they’re seven years old. Taking care of a child with eczema can be very challenging for the whole family. Read on to find out how to cope with different issues.

A new reports reveals that cases of eczema have tripled over the last three years, particularly in children. Grace Hammond reports. Children with eczema often struggle to cope with the pain and discomfort the itchy, dry skin condition causes.

Yorkshire Post (press release)

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