The right amount of hormones in our blood is very important to our overall health. No matter what age hormonal imbalance can lead not only to many health problems, but it will also affect your skin. Natural skin care tips for hormonal changes can help you deal with this problem. As you approach menopause your body may produce less hormones and some of the symptoms can be dry skin, hair and brittle nails. Even if you are not near menopause, it can affect you too. So if you’re also having problems with weight gain, mood swings and balancing sugar levels, you should see a doctor about having your hormone levels checked. Read on to learn what Dr. Sears suggests.
Most doctors treat low estrogen as the sole cause of menopause. But looking at declining estrogen only gives you half the picture. At the onset of menopause, your body’s progesterone production falls to almost zero. Many women I measure have progesterone below the lowest detectable limit of the blood test.
Why does this matter to you? Because progesterone maintains healthy features you may not want to give up like:
Using fat better
Assisting thyroid hormone action
Elevating your mood
Keeping your blood sugar normal
Boosting your sex drive
Keeping blood clotting at normal levels
Protecting against some cancers
Stimulating bone building1
It’s no wonder when your body’s progesterone falls during menopause you gain weight, feel depressed, and lose interest in sex. But that doesn’t have to be the case for you…
You can replace lost progesterone with a number of therapies including foods, nutrients, herbal supplements, and even real hormone replacement. […]
There are several ways to naturally restore your progesterone so you can get back your sex drive, good mood, and keep a lean, trim body.
1) Try to eat progesterone-boosting foods. Walnuts, cherries, chicken, red meat, wild yams, and spices like turmeric, oregano, and thyme all help your body with the process of making progesterone.
2) Make sure you get the right nutrients. Women who have low progesterone often have low levels of zinc, magnesium, vitamin B-6, and vitamin C. I recommend you get your nutrients through food, but if you need to supplement, get at least 500 mg of vitamin C, 40 mg of B-6, 30 mg of zinc, and 400 mg of magnesium per day.
3) Herbal secret to boost progesterone. One of my favorite herbal supplements that I recommend to women is Chaste Berry. It’s effective for many menopausal symptoms. It works by regulating pituitary hormones, which regulate estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.
It’s a gentle hormone balancer. I use Chaste Berry to relieve depression, insomnia, and hot flashes associated with estrogen and progesterone decline. I use 300 mg in tablet form once a day.
4) Try a high-quality progesterone cream. I encourage women with signs of low progesterone to use a natural progesterone cream. It works its way through your skin into your bloodstream and gently lifts your progesterone levels.
There are many progesterone creams on the market, but they are not all the same. It is important to use only the ones with natural ingredients and with the sufficient amount of progesterone hormone so you’re not waisting your money on products that will not improve your symptoms. I found one brand that worked for me called Natpro. You can get more info about it by clicking here.
Check out these natural skin care tips for hormonal changes and let us know if you found them helpful. We would love to hear from you.