Nutrition and ExerciseCategory Archives

Natural Skin Care: How Important is PH Balance?

Since the pH of our body has a very tight range, it is very important to also use natural skin care products that are pH balanced. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables will help us balance our bodies which will also help our skin look its best. Find out which foods are acidic and which are alkaline in our bodies.

Today people are becoming aware that being too acidic can be a problem, whether the topic is your bloodstream, your diet, or your natural skin care products. Even the mainstream cosmetic industry has jumped on the bandwagon with pH balancing shampoos

So let’s keep our skin and body healthy and beautiful by including lots of fresh fruits and vegetables in our diet.ᅠ

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Fast Acting Natural Acne Treatments

No matter how bad your acne gets, simple and natural remedies are always best for any skin problems. Try the suggestions below to see if they work for you.

Fast Acting Natural Acne Treatments fast acne treatment acne treatments that work over the counter acne treatment acne treatments that work fast acne cure

My favorite is the carrot juice! Try rubbing it on your face too, works great! Drink fresh carrot juice at least 2-3 times a week for best results. If you’re adventurous use other vegetables when juicing. Red peppers, celery, spinach and romaine lettuce are all great choices. Apple and celery juice is great for detoxifying your body and giving it the minerals it needs. It’s yummy too!

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Why I Love My Honey

Honey has been used for centuries, not only as a natural sweetener, but also for healing purposes. Mixed with other natural ingredients, it can heal cuts and burns, cure skin rashes and acne, remove wrinkles. It can also be used for other skin problems like diaper rash, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, eczema and dandruff. Learn from Dr. Sears how to make an Ayurvedic exfoliant for your skin using honey.

Honey reminds me of romance. I call my dearest friends honey when I want to remind them how sweet they are to me. But I also use honey for healing. Ayurvedic practitioners in India have used honey for nearly 5,000 years. Ayurveda is a holistic health system that evolved in ancient India. The term combines two Sanskrit words to mean “knowledge of life.” It’s the oldest system of medicine in the world. And it is still practiced widely in India, where the government recognizes it.

Honey also has antibacterial properties. Could it be the end of the antibiotic era? I know I would rather put some honey on my cut then an antibiotic ointment.

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Nourish Your Body The Tropical Way

One way to achieve a beautiful and sexy skin is nourish your body with all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Coconut is one of those perfect foods. It’s full of minerals, essential fatty acids and peptides. Jackie Silver explains how it can improve your skin too.

Have you ever cracked open a coconut? It’s not exactly the easiest thing to cut up and use. Yet, this hard-shelled, husk-covered tropical fruit offers an abundance of healing properties.

Enjoy some fresh coconut and experience it’s benefits for yourself.

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Achieve flawless, beautiful skin

Our skin needs proper nutrition in order to stay healthy and beautiful. The best way to get all your vitamins and minerals in the right quantities and combinations, is through a natural diet, full of fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Natural cleansers and scrubs can also help to keep it clean and fresh.

Topical creams and surface regimens will do a great job of keeping pores open and clean, allowing your skin to breathe, while proper nutrition will allow your body to take care of the skin naturally and prevent problems. When it comes to skin care,

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Unhealthy Foods that Affect Your Skin

With all the information overload it can be difficult to really know what’s good for you and what’s not. If you are experiencing some skin problems, take a look at your diet to see how you can improve it. Here are some tips on what to avoid to prevent skin problems.

Have you ever thought to what extent the foods you eat can affect your skin? Throughout time many theories appeared connecting an unhealthy diet to different skin problems. However, it seems that this topic is more complex than it looks and it goes far

There are other things that you can do to support your skin, like getting some fresh air and exercise, but eliminating processed foods will have the biggest effect on your skin.

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Petal-Soft Skin from the Inside Out

Our skin needs vitamins and nutrients to remain young looking and healthy. Since most people don’t get enough nutrients in their diet, sometimes supplementation might be needed. Read on to find out what 5 powerful ingredients Dr. Sears recommends that help transform your skin from rough to petal-soft.

“There’s something important I want to tell you today. Something cosmetic companies and dermatologists will never admit to. The secret to glowing, supple skin that turns heads wherever you go isn’t at the bottom of some expensive cream or prescription lotion tube. In fact, it has absolutely nothing to do with what you put on the outside. The only sure-fire way to get satiny smooth skin that begs to be touched is to work from the inside out. You see, you’re meant to have beautiful skin. It’s your birthright. And when you fill your body with the nutrients it needs, perfect skin just happens.”

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Could You Be Gluten Sensitive?

The number of people on a gluten-free diet is on the rise and it’s not just a fad. You don’t have to have a full-blown celiac disease to have gluten sensitivity. One of many symptoms could be skin problems. 1 in 133 people has celiac disease, but only 1 in 20 has gluten sensitivity. That’s a lot of people and most of them don’t even know about it. Read on to find out other symptoms that might mean gluten sensivity.

Additionally, people may experience more general symptoms such as fatigue, hormone problems, skin problems, balance issues, headaches, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fertility issues, feeling foggy headed, and more. As a side note, I see patients who

If you have gluten sensivity, staying away from gluten, will greatly improve your overall health, not just your skin.

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